Emotions Switching

Lets consider how some particular emotions switch between themselves.
All emotions (except equanimity) form into complementary pairs, or  binaries .  The binary nature means that one emotion can easily turn into its opposite.
For example, vanity and self-pity form a binary ; if at any moment a person is experiencing vanity he may find that as soon as the vanity fades it is replaced by self-pity. This switch is facilitated if the person is subject to ridicule ; then the good valuation of the unconscious idea that generates vanity changes to the bad valuation.
The most important of the emotions listed in the article on Compound Emotions  are the quartet of guilt, pride, narcissism and jealousy, since in normal life they regularly link together. I repeat their factors for convenience. They regularly switch between themselves in certain sequences.
Guilt = self-pity + self-hate.
Pride = vanity + hatred of other people.
Narcissism = love + vanity.
Jealousy = love + self-pity.

Notation : 
When one emotion fades away the next one arises. I use the phrase "leads to" to indicate this transition. Therefore the notation "narcissism leads to jealousy " means that when narcissism fades away then jealousy arises.

To illustrate how emotions can switch I give an example : 
I may be currently experiencing guilt. This can change to pride or jealousy.
Guilt = self-pity + self-hate.
a). Suppose that the self-pity mode changes to its binary, vanity. Then I experience pride.
The sequence is :
(self-pity + self-hate) leads to (vanity + hatred of others).
that is, guilt leads to pride.
b). Whereas, suppose that the self-hate mode of guilt changes to its binary, which is love. Then I experience jealousy.
The sequence is :
(self-pity + self-hate) leads to (self-pity + love).
that is, guilt leads to jealousy
The difference between self-hate and hatred of others is only in the direction that hate is pointed, either towards oneself or towards other people.

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