Irregular Spellings
Some words are not spelled as they sound and present problems for spellers. For example, the word said, which rhymes with led and fed, might be spelled as sed by beginning writers. The use of ai for the sound of short e is an irregular spelling. More words with irregular spellings are listed below.
Word | Pronunciation | Word | Pronunciation |
ache | ayk | lawyer | LAW yur |
acre | AY kur | light | lyt |
again | uh GEN | machine | muh SHEEN |
answer | AN sur | mother | MUHTH ur |
antique | an TEEK | nymph | nihmf |
any | EN ee | ocean | OH shun |
because | bih KAWZ | of | uhv |
become | bih KUHM | often | AW fun |
been | bihn | once | wuhns |
bologna | buh LOH nee | only | OHN lee |
bridge | brihj | people | PEE pul |
castle | KAS ul | phantom | FAN tum |
catch | kach | pharaoh | FAY roh |
chamois | SHAM ee | phrase | frayz |
chaos | KAY AS | physical | FIHZ ih kul |
circuit | SUR kiht | please | pleez |
climb | klym | quote | kwoht |
color | KUHL ur | recede | ree SEED |
comfortable | KUHM fur tuh bul | rhyme | rym |
could | cud | rough | ruhf |
country | KUHN tree | said | sed |
cycle | SYE kul | seize | seez |
debut | day BYOO | should | shud |
depot | DEE poh | straight | strayt |
do | doo | sure | shur |
does | duhz | they | thay |
door | dor | thought | thawttuh |
dumb | dorduhm | today | tuh DAY |
earth | urth | trough | trawf |
enough | ih NUHF | Tuesday | TUZ day |
eyes | eyez | unique | yoo NEEK |
father | FAH thur | vegetable | VEJ tuh bul |
few | fyoo | victuals | VIHT lz |
find | fynd | was | wuhz |
friends | frendz | water | WAW tur |
from | fruhm | Wednesday | WENZ day |
height | hyt | were | wur |
indict | ihn DYT | what | hwaht |
journey | JUR nee | who | hoo |
knee | nee | young | yuhng |
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