Bill moved to disqualify MPs keeping dual nationalities by MP Mr Raza hayat Hiraj.

It's an irony that number of people who run our country has dual nationalities. 
lot of them does not have stakes in Pakistan even their families does not live here .
They live abroad and visit Pakistan to rule us .

I totally support the bill of 
Mr Raza hayat  Hiraj .I may not agree with his style of politics but his bill if passed would bring a drastic positive change in our country .
Now its a tough exam of our legislators ,media ,civil society, students and our religious parties .

I know this bill would not be passed but it will expose people who oppose to it.

So in next election we vote true Pakistanis .Pakistan is for Pakistanis not for guests who come here to rule over us and pack their bags when their term finished and go back to their countries .
They dont care to improve the condition of  education ,health system , transportation,clean water, electricity ,jobs ,and low cost food because they know that they have other place to live.
Be patriotic and stand up in favor of this bill as this would be a first brick of new Pakistan.

As per news a member of the National Assembly has put all the top political leaders into a bind by initiating a constitutional amendment bill that provides for disqualification of a member of parliament if he possesses any bank account, assets, wealth or business outside Pakistan or has dual nationality.

The bill, a copy of which has already been submitted to secretary of the National Assembly, also seeks dismissal from the government service of those members of the judiciary, defence forces and civil services on similar grounds. The copy of the bill has also been provided to heads of all the leading political parties of the country.

Former federal minister and chairman Standing Committee on Culture Muhammad Raza Hayat Hiraj initiated the draft constitutional amendment bill seeking amendment in Article 63 of the Constitution.

Different political parties, including the MQM, Jamaat-e-Islami, Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf and some members of the leading political parties like PPP, PML-N and PML-Q, have also been demanding of the politicians not to have their wealth outside Pakistan.

Now Raza Hiraj of the PML-Q has provided a golden opportunity to all such political parties and leaders to support this amendment, which if approved would debar the likes of President Asif Ali Zardari, Mian Nawaz Sharif, Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain and a long list of other political leaders and parliamentarians from being elected as member of parliament for having their wealth outside Pakistan.

The draft constitutional bill seeks the insertion of Article 63(B) after the existing Article 63(A) of the Constitution. The draft amendment reads as: “63 B; Disqualification On Certain Grounds: (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Constitution or any other law for the time being in force, a person shall be disqualified from service in Pakistan or holding any office in any organisation, including members of the armed forces and judiciary; whether wholly or partly owned or controlled by the Federal or Provincial Government or being elected or chosen as a member of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) or Provincial Assembly or local government if:

a) he maintains an account in any bank or financial institution in a foreign country whether in his own name, or in the name of his spouse, children or dependents or as the case may be or. (b) holds a dual nationality or has a permanent resident status of any other country whether in his own name, or in the name of his spouse, children or dependents or as the case may be, or (c) holds an office of profit or interest in any company or organisation established in a foreign country whether in his own name, or in the name of his spouse, children or dependents or as the case may be, or (d) owns any property whether free hold, lease hold or even in the form of license, assets, shares or any interest in any company based in a foreign country, whether in his own name, or in the name of his spouse, children or dependents or as the cay may be, or (e) carries out business including any commercial activity in any organization or establishment based in a foreign country whether in his own name, or in the name of his spouse, children or dependents or as the case may be.”

The statement of objects and reasons for bill, which he said should be treated as a private member bill, stated that the bill is for the people who have faith in Pakistan and who believe in Pakistan. Hiraj said that politicians must rise above their party consideration to work for the good of the people and the country. The statement said that the bill, if carried out in letter and spirit, would eradicate the misery of those underprivileged who are unaware of their association with their motherland.

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